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We’re the exclusive importer of Kiwa HMCs in North America

Located in Nabari, Japan, Kiwa Machinery Co., LTD began manufacturing lathes in 1933, and in 1981 began exporting their line of machining products to the USA, Canada, UK, France and other countries. Today, Kiwa Machinery is one of Japan’s foremost machining center builders.

KIWA’s exclusive in-the-field expandable tool and pallet technology, feature-rich package, and cost-effective pricing brings the advantages of horizontal machining within a job shop’s reach. Expandability allows shops to upgrade from a 2-pallet horizontal machine with 120 tools to a 6- or 8-pallet machine with 220 tools.

Versatile KIWA Horizontal Machining Centers, designed for a wide variety of applications, feature fast pallet changers for work in high production environments. Systems feature powerful, high-speed rapid traverse, machine automation and convenient chip disposal. Reliable KIWA Machining Centers incorporate features that deliver maximum speed, accuracy, rigidity, and value with an exceptional service life.

KIWA recently introduced the KMH Series that expands the line of Horizontal Machining Centers. The new machines are competitively priced and offer pallet sizes ranging from 300 to 1,250 millimeters, which handle a large range of part sizes.


Kiwa Horizontal Machining Centers

Browse our selection of Kiwa HMCs:

View Kiwa Horizontal Machining Centers


Kiwa 5-Axis Machining Centers

We also carry Kiwa 5-axis machining centers:

View Kiwa 5-Axis Machining Centers

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