
Running a shop today isn’t easy. There are so many factors that you need to juggle to be successful – installing new technology, monitoring lead times, keeping customers satisfied, finding new clients and understanding what metrics make you more profitable. There aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you need to do, let alone the things that you want to do.
Taking time away from your shop is a big ask, we know, but past Top Shops attendees have found that the conference is exactly what they need because of the perspective it gives them on ways they can and should improve their shops.
Spend focused, uninterrupted time working ON your shop instead of IN your shop. You’ll network with the other owners and executives, learn from the best, and find actionable ideas that you can immediately implement. You will benchmark your shop against the leading shops in the country, benefit from a program that features successful shop owners – some larger than yours, some smaller – and learn how they have innovated within their organizations and worked through the same struggles you have.